I never have thought that I would buy a piece of land in another city than where I was born. Unexpected I bought it from my mom. The reason of this was to save my small euro save money from the possibly upcoming euro crisis.
The land is in Yogyakarta, a very traditional city on java, the city where my mother and her ancestors were born and grown up. The city is the most touristic city on the island Java.
As the land is a piece of the family heritage it has been divided amount the family. The land that I have bought from my mom is only 130m2. It's situated in a city centre.
I am planning to built a small guest house on this small land. The guest house must be characterful.
Since I have bought this land I have been searching for a lot of ideas how my guest house will be. I don't put any boundary for cultural idea's for my guest house.
Before I have bought this land I have never interested in it, my mother had offer me once a couple years ago but I thought what should I do with that now we are leaving abroad. It could give you more worries because no one could take care of that land.
So funny how the way goes, how the mind can change. It's life... nothing is static... :)
If you want built something on a land then you should have a good look of this piece of land, so I am starting with searching a cheap ticket to fly to the destination. Bummer..... a very good ticket's deal has been closed so now hoping another good deal will come along again.